How to Know if the Filesystem Supports Sparse File Programmatically
Image by Kierstie -

How to Know if the Filesystem Supports Sparse File Programmatically

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As a developer, you’ve probably had to deal with large files and the horrors of storing and transmitting them. That’s where sparse files come in – a clever way to store files that contain a significant number of zero-valued blocks, making them more efficient in terms of storage and transfer. But, before you start implementing sparse files in your program, you need to know if the filesystem even supports them. In this article, we’ll explore how to do just that – programmatically, of course!

What are Sparse Files?

Before we dive into the meat of the article, let’s quickly cover what sparse files are. A sparse file is a type of file that contains a significant number of zero-valued blocks. These blocks are not actually stored on disk, which makes the file smaller on disk than its actual size. This can be extremely useful when working with large files that contain a lot of empty space, such as virtual machine disk images or data files with a lot of empty space.

For example, imagine you have a 10 GB file that contains only 1 GB of actual data, with the remaining 9 GB being empty space. A sparse file would only store the 1 GB of actual data, making it much smaller on disk. This can lead to significant savings in storage space and transfer times.

Why Do We Need to Check for Sparse File Support?

Not all filesystems support sparse files, and even among those that do, there may be limitations or quirks to be aware of. For example, some filesystems may have limitations on the size of sparse files, or may not support sparse files at all. If your program tries to create a sparse file on a filesystem that doesn’t support it, you’ll likely run into errors or unexpected behavior.

That’s why it’s crucial to check for sparse file support programmatically, before trying to create or work with sparse files. This ensures that your program can adapt to the capabilities of the underlying filesystem, and avoid potential pitfalls.

Methods for Checking Sparse File Support

There are several ways to check for sparse file support programmatically, depending on the language and platform you’re working with. We’ll cover some of the most common methods below.

Using the stat() System Call

One way to check for sparse file support is to use the `stat()` system call, which retrieves information about a file or filesystem. The `stat()` call returns a `struct stat` object, which contains information about the file or filesystem, including its type and capabilities.

#include <sys/stat.h>

int main() {
    struct stat sb;
    if (stat("/", &sb) == -1) {
        return 1;

    if (sb.st_flags & ST_SPARSE_FLAG) {
        printf("Sparse files supported!\n");
    } else {
        printf("Sparse files not supported.\n");

    return 0;

In this example, we use the `stat()` call to retrieve information about the root filesystem (`”/”`). We then check the `st_flags` field of the `struct stat` object to see if the `ST_SPARSE_FLAG` bit is set, which indicates that the filesystem supports sparse files.

Using the ioctl() System Call

Another way to check for sparse file support is to use the `ioctl()` system call, which performs a control function on a file descriptor. We can use the `FITRIM` ioctl command to check if the filesystem supports sparse files.

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>

int main() {
    int fd = open("/", O_RDONLY);
    if (fd == -1) {
        return 1;

    struct fsblkcnt64 blkcnt;
    if (ioctl(fd, FITRIM, &blkcnt) == -1) {
        return 1;

    if (blkcnt.f_flags & FS_SPARSE_FLAG) {
        printf("Sparse files supported!\n");
    } else {
        printf("Sparse files not supported.\n");

    return 0;

In this example, we use the `ioctl()` call to perform a `FITRIM` command on the root filesystem, which returns information about the filesystem’s capabilities. We then check the `f_flags` field of the `struct fsblkcnt64` object to see if the `FS_SPARSE_FLAG` bit is set, which indicates that the filesystem supports sparse files.

Using Platform-Specific APIs

On some platforms, such as Windows, there may be platform-specific APIs for checking sparse file support. For example, on Windows, we can use the `GetVolumeInformation()` function to retrieve information about a volume, including whether it supports sparse files.

#include <windows.h>

int main() {
    TCHAR volumeName[MAX_PATH];
    DWORD volumetype;

        TEXT("C:"),  // volume name
        volumeName,  // buffer for volume name
        sizeof(volumeName),  // length of buffer
        &volumetype,  // volume type
        NULL,  // serial number
        NULL,  // maximum component length
        NULL,  // file system flags
        NULL   // file system name

    if (volumetype & FILE_VOL_IS_SPARSE) {
        printf("Sparse files supported!\n");
    } else {
        printf("Sparse files not supported.\n");

    return 0;

In this example, we use the `GetVolumeInformation()` function to retrieve information about the `C:` volume. We then check the `volumetype` variable to see if the `FILE_VOL_IS_SPARSE` bit is set, which indicates that the volume supports sparse files.


In this article, we’ve covered three methods for checking sparse file support programmatically: using the `stat()` system call, using the `ioctl()` system call, and using platform-specific APIs. By using one of these methods, you can ensure that your program can adapt to the capabilities of the underlying filesystem, and avoid potential pitfalls when working with sparse files.

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about sparse files and how to work with them, here are some additional resources:

We hope this article has been informative and helpful! If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Method Description Platform
stat() Uses the stat() system call to retrieve information about a file or filesystem POSIX
ioctl() Uses the ioctl() system call to perform a control function on a file descriptor POSIX
GetVolumeInformation() Uses the GetVolumeInformation() function to retrieve information about a volume on Windows Windows

Note: The above table summarizes the methods discussed in this article, along with their descriptions and supported platforms.

Frequently Asked Question

Uncover the secrets of sparse file support in your filesystem with these programming gems!

Q: How can I check if a filesystem supports sparse files in C?

You can use the `posix_fadvise` system call with the `POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL` flag. If the call succeeds, it’s likely the filesystem supports sparse files. Alternatively, you can try creating a sparse file using `open` with the `O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC` flags and then check the file’s block allocation using `lseek` and `write` system calls. If the file’s size increases without consuming space on disk, it’s a sparse file!

Q: How do I detect sparse file support in Python?

You can use the `os` module’s `posix_fadvise` function (available on Unix-based systems) or the `ctypes` module to call the `posix_fadvise` system call. Alternatively, you can use libraries like `pySparse` or `sparse-file` that provide a Pythonic way to work with sparse files and detect support programmatically.

Q: Can I use the ` stat` system call to check for sparse file support?

Unfortunately, the `stat` system call won’t directly indicate if a filesystem supports sparse files. However, you can use `stat` to check the file’s block size and allocation, which can indirectely hint at sparse file support. For example, if the block size is larger than the file size, it might be a sparse file.

Q: How do I check for sparse file support on Windows?

On Windows, you can use the `DeviceIoControl` function with the `FSCTL_QUERY_SPARSE_FILERECORD_VOLUME` control code to check if a volume supports sparse files. Additionally, you can use the `GetFileInformationByHandle` function to retrieve file information, including the file’s allocation size, which can indicate sparse file support.

Q: Are there any platform-agnostic ways to detect sparse file support?

While there isn’t a single, universal way to detect sparse file support across all platforms, you can use libraries and frameworks that provide a platform-agnostic API for working with sparse files. For example, the ` Boost.IOStreams` library in C++ or the `java.nio.channels.FileChannel` class in Java provide methods to create and manipulate sparse files, and may include features to detect platform support.

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