Is there a wildcard option to bundle all TypeScript or HTML files in Bun?
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Is there a wildcard option to bundle all TypeScript or HTML files in Bun?

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Bun, a new JavaScript runtime, has taken the developer world by storm with its lightning-fast performance and ease of use. However, as developers dive deeper into Bun, they often find themselves wondering: “Is there a wildcard option to bundle all TypeScript or HTML files in Bun?” In this article, we’ll explore the answer to this question and provide a comprehensive guide on how to bundle files in Bun.

What is Bun?

Bun is a fast, lightweight, and modular JavaScript runtime that allows developers to run JavaScript applications with ease. It’s designed to be a drop-in replacement for Node.js, but with a smaller footprint and faster performance. Bun is built on top of the JavaScriptCore engine, which provides a robust and secure environment for running JavaScript applications.

Why Bundle Files in Bun?

Bundling files in Bun is essential for several reasons:

  • Faster Load Times: Bundling files reduces the number of network requests, resulting in faster load times and improved performance.
  • Easier Maintenance: Bundling files makes it easier to manage and maintain your codebase, as all dependencies are packaged together.
  • Better Code Organization: Bundling files helps to keep your code organized, making it easier to find and fix errors.

The Wildcard Option in Bun

The good news is that Bun does provide a wildcard option to bundle all TypeScript or HTML files. However, it requires a bit of configuration and setup. Let’s dive into the details!

Bundling TypeScript Files

To bundle all TypeScript files in Bun, you can use the following command:

bun bundle --entry-point '**/*.ts'

This command tells Bun to bundle all TypeScript files (with the .ts extension) in the current directory and its subdirectories. The `–entry-point` flag specifies the entry point for the bundle, which in this case is any file with a .ts extension.

You can also specify a specific directory or glob pattern to bundle only specific files. For example:

bun bundle --entry-point 'src/**/*.ts'

This command bundles all TypeScript files in the `src` directory and its subdirectories.

Bundling HTML Files

To bundle all HTML files in Bun, you can use the following command:

bun bundle --entry-point '**/*.html'

This command tells Bun to bundle all HTML files (with the .html extension) in the current directory and its subdirectories. As with TypeScript files, you can specify a specific directory or glob pattern to bundle only specific files.

Using Bun’s Alias Feature

Bun provides an alias feature that allows you to define shortcuts for commonly used commands. You can use this feature to create a shortcut for bundling all TypeScript or HTML files.

First, create a `bun_aliases` file in your project root directory with the following content:

bundle-ts = "bun bundle --entry-point '**/*.ts'"
bundle-html = "bun bundle --entry-point '**/*.html'"

Then, run the following command to activate the aliases:

bun alias

Now, you can use the following commands to bundle all TypeScript or HTML files:

bun bundle-ts
bun bundle-html

Using a Bun Configuration File

Bun also provides a configuration file feature that allows you to define settings and options for your projects. You can use this feature to specify the entry points for bundling.

Create a `bun.config.js` file in your project root directory with the following content:

export default {
  bundles: [
      entry: '**/*.ts',
      outfile: 'bundle.ts',
      entry: '**/*.html',
      outfile: 'bundle.html',

This configuration file defines two bundles: one for TypeScript files and one for HTML files. You can then run the following command to bundle all files:

bun bundle


In conclusion, Bun does provide a wildcard option to bundle all TypeScript or HTML files. By using the `–entry-point` flag or defining an alias or configuration file, you can easily bundle all files in your project.

Remember to always keep your bundle sizes in check by optimizing and tree-shaking your code to ensure the best performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between bundling and minifying?

A: Bundling combines multiple files into a single file, while minifying reduces the size of the code by removing unnecessary characters and compressing it.

Q: Can I bundle files in Bun using a GUI?

A: Yes, Bun provides a GUI tool called Bun Studio that allows you to bundle files visually.

Q: Can I bundle files in Bun using a JavaScript API?

A: Yes, Bun provides a JavaScript API that allows you to bundle files programmatically.

Final Thoughts

Bun’s wildcard option for bundling files makes it easy to manage and optimize your codebase. By following the instructions and guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to bundling all your TypeScript or HTML files in Bun.

Happy bundling!

Frequently Asked Question

Bun, the modern JavaScript runtime, has taken the world by storm, and so have the questions about its capabilities! Let’s dive into one of the most pressing concerns: bundling files. Here are the answers to your burning questions about using wildcard options to bundle all TypeScript or HTML files in Bun.

Can I use a wildcard to bundle all TypeScript files in Bun?

Yes, you can! Bun allows you to use a wildcard to bundle all TypeScript files using the `**/*.ts` glob pattern. This pattern will include all `.ts` files recursively from the current directory.

What about bundling all HTML files? Is there a wildcard option for that too?

You’re in luck! Yes, you can use the `**/*.html` glob pattern to bundle all HTML files in your project. This will recursively include all `.html` files from the current directory.

Can I use multiple wildcards to bundle different types of files simultaneously?

Yes, you can! Bun supports using multiple glob patterns separated by commas. For example, `**/*.ts,**/*.html` will bundle all TypeScript and HTML files in your project.

Are there any limitations to using wildcard patterns in Bun?

While wildcard patterns are incredibly powerful, they can also lead to performance issues if not used carefully. Be mindful of the number of files being bundled and consider using more specific patterns to avoid unnecessary file inclusion.

How do I exclude certain files or directories from the bundle when using wildcard patterns?

You can use the `!` negation operator to exclude specific files or directories from the bundle. For example, `**/*.ts,!node_modules/**` will bundle all TypeScript files except those in the `node_modules` directory.