The hostCloudAnchor() Method is Deprecated: A Step-by-Step Guide to Migrating to hostCloudAnchorAsync()
Image by Kierstie -

The hostCloudAnchor() Method is Deprecated: A Step-by-Step Guide to Migrating to hostCloudAnchorAsync()

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If you’re an AR developer, you’ve likely encountered the dreaded “deprecated” warning when trying to use the hostCloudAnchor() method. But fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of migrating to the new hostCloudAnchorAsync() method, ensuring your AR experience remains seamless and future-proof.

Why was hostCloudAnchor() deprecated?

The hostCloudAnchor() method was part of the ARCore Cloud Anchors API, which allowed developers to create and manage cloud anchors in their AR experiences. However, with the release of ARCore 1.24, the hostCloudAnchor() method was deprecated due to several reasons:

  • Performance issues: The synchronous nature of hostCloudAnchor() led to performance bottlenecks, causing delays and freezes in AR experiences.
  • Thread-blocking: The method would block the main thread, preventing other tasks from executing, and resulting in a poor user experience.
  • Limited flexibility: The deprecated method didn’t provide developers with enough control over the anchoring process, making it inflexible and rigid.

Introducing hostCloudAnchorAsync(): The New and Improved Way

The hostCloudAnchorAsync() method is the successor to the deprecated hostCloudAnchor() method. This new asynchronous approach addresses the performance, thread-blocking, and flexibility issues of its predecessor. By using hostCloudAnchorAsync(), you can create and manage cloud anchors while ensuring a smooth and responsive AR experience.

Benefits of hostCloudAnchorAsync()

The new method offers several advantages over its deprecated counterpart:

  • Asynchronous processing: hostCloudAnchorAsync() operates on a separate thread, allowing your AR experience to remain responsive and interactive.
  • Improved performance: By handling anchoring requests asynchronously, you can reduce latency and improve overall performance.
  • Enhanced flexibility: The new method provides more control over the anchoring process, enabling you to customize and optimize your AR experience.

Migrating to hostCloudAnchorAsync(): A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to make the switch? Follow these steps to migrate your AR project to the new hostCloudAnchorAsync() method:

  1. Update your ARCore SDK

    Make sure you’re using the latest version of the ARCore SDK (1.24 or higher). This will ensure you have access to the hostCloudAnchorAsync() method.

  2. Replace hostCloudAnchor() with hostCloudAnchorAsync()

    Identify all instances of hostCloudAnchor() in your code and replace them with hostCloudAnchorAsync(). Be sure to update the method calls to match the new signature.

    // Before:
    // After:
    arSession.hostCloudAnchorAsync(anchor).then((anchorHandle) => {
      // Handle the result
    }).catch((error) => {
      // Handle the error
  3. Handle the asynchronous response

    The hostCloudAnchorAsync() method returns a Promise that resolves with an anchor handle. You’ll need to handle this response accordingly, using then() to process the result and catch() to handle errors.

    arSession.hostCloudAnchorAsync(anchor).then((anchorHandle) => {
      // Process the anchor handle
      console.log("Anchor created successfully:", anchorHandle);
    }).catch((error) => {
      // Handle the error
      console.error("Error creating anchor:", error);
  4. Optimize your anchoring process

    Take advantage of the enhanced flexibility offered by hostCloudAnchorAsync() to optimize your anchoring process. You can now handle anchoring requests in parallel, reducing latency and improving overall performance.

    Before After
    ]).then((anchorHandles) => {
    // Process the anchor handles
    }).catch((error) => {
    // Handle the error

Best Practices for Using hostCloudAnchorAsync()

To get the most out of the hostCloudAnchorAsync() method, follow these best practices:

  • Use asynchronous processing

    Always use hostCloudAnchorAsync() with asynchronous processing to ensure a responsive and interactive AR experience.

  • Handle errors gracefully

    Implement proper error handling to provide a seamless user experience even when anchoring requests fail.

  • Optimize anchoring requests

    Tune your anchoring process to reduce latency and improve performance. Experiment with different approaches to find the optimal solution for your use case.

  • Monitor and analyze performance

    Keep a close eye on performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and ensure your AR experience remains optimized.


The deprecation of hostCloudAnchor() marks a significant milestone in the evolution of ARCore. By adopting the hostCloudAnchorAsync() method, you’ll be able to create more responsive, efficient, and flexible AR experiences. Remember to follow the guidelines outlined in this article to ensure a smooth migration and maximize the benefits of the new asynchronous approach.

Happy coding, and welcome to the world of asynchronous AR!

Remember, if you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. We’re here to help you navigate the ARCore ecosystem and create exceptional AR experiences.

Stay tuned for more AR development tutorials, guides, and insights. Until next time, keep augmenting reality!

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about the deprecated hostCloudAnchor() method and how to use the new hostCloudAnchorAsync() method? We’ve got answers!

Why was the hostCloudAnchor() method deprecated?

The hostCloudAnchor() method was deprecated due to its synchronous nature, which can cause performance issues and UI blocking. The new hostCloudAnchorAsync() method is designed to be asynchronous, allowing for better performance and a smoother user experience.

How do I use the new hostCloudAnchorAsync() method?

To use the hostCloudAnchorAsync() method, simply replace the old method call with the new one and handle the result asynchronously using a callback or await keyword. For example: `cloudAnchorManager.hostCloudAnchorAsync(anchor,CloudAnchorMode.MODE_INSTANT,anchorNode)`.

What are the benefits of using hostCloudAnchorAsync() over hostCloudAnchor?

The hostCloudAnchorAsync() method provides several benefits, including improved performance, reduced UI blocking, and better error handling. It also allows for more flexibility in handling the result of the anchor hosting operation.

Can I still use the old hostCloudAnchor() method?

While it’s still possible to use the old hostCloudAnchor() method, it’s strongly recommended to switch to the new hostCloudAnchorAsync() method to take advantage of its benefits and ensure future compatibility.

Where can I find more information about the hostCloudAnchorAsync() method?

You can find more information about the hostCloudAnchorAsync() method in the official documentation and API references for your specific platform or framework.